Original Post Date: 6/10/2018
Views: 2026 as of 09/2023
On Tuesday, Jan, Daffy and I took a quick trip to Camp Weasel. I wanted to get the 4 wheeler back up North after turkey season was over and we had been too busy to get up and mow the lawn and field off. We ran into a bit of a problem right away, when I put the main fuse into the box and discovered we had no electricity. My cell phone reception wasn't strong enough to google the electrical co-op, so I took my fuses out and we headed to Cumberland to have them checked. As has happened so many times in the past, our good neighbor Dan Beecroft came to our aid again. We met Dan in the driveway and explained our problem to him. He just happened to have a tester in his truck and was able to test our fuses on the spot. All fuses were good, so he offered to go up to the cabin and check the lines from the transformer to the cabin. These proved to be powerless, and he said we would have to get ahold of Polk-Burnett Co-op. I used his phone and was told a technician would be at the cabin within an hour. We are so fortunate to have a neighbor like Danny, I don't know how many times he has come to our rescue over the years. I started mowing the lawn while waiting for the repairman to show, and had just finished it and was about to start on the field when he arrived. We soon found that the transformer had been struck by lightning. We will need a new transformer, new buried lines to the cabin and a new meter box on the cabin. He was able to run two cables above ground from the transformer to the cabin and restore electricity until the repair work could be done in the next couple of weeks. Needless to say we were very pleased with the service we got from Polk-Burnett. The rest of the trip went smoothly. I got the field mowed off and the 4-wheeler back in the shed. Jan and I had an excellent dinner complete with old fashioneds at County Line and returned to do a little cabin cleaning and watch some TV. I might add that to Jan's great rejoicing, there were no mice in our traps. They probably left after they lost their electricity. We woke up to rain Wed morning, so packed up and stopped at the Creek for breakfast before heading home. We stopped at Beaver Valley Greenhouse and bought a few plants and had a nice visit with Dan before moving on down the road. Missed seeing Sharon Pearson at the greenhouse because she had called in sick that morning, will catch her next trip. A quick stop at Louies to pick up a few brats, and we headed south. Its was actually a successful and enjoyable trip despite the rough start, and we accomplished all of the major items on our adgenda. Have to make sure we don't leave the lawn grow quite as long next time. So life is still good and even better if you're a weasel with electricity.