Camp Weasel
Fredrick, WI
Welcome to Camp Weasel! In the Weasel Den you can meet and chat with fellow outdoorsmen about all things hunting and fishing. Thanks for stopping! Sign our Thanks for stopping! Sign our guestbook so we can meet other weasels! so we can meet other weasels!
The Legend of Camp Weasel
When Weasel Joel was about 12 years old, he came in from the outhouse and asked Weasel Larry if there were any white rats at the camp. Larry replied, "No," but Joel insisted there had been one watching him. A trip back to the outhouse resulted in the discovery of a weasel in his white winter coat. He became our resident weasel for about two years before vanishing. Indian legend has it that he ascended into the sky via the rainbow and watches over Camp Weasel from above. We think he was just driven away by the odor.