Original Post Date: 6/4/2016
Views: 2908 as of 09/2023
Almost didn't bother reporting on this years seasons, but decided to share my bad luck with the rest or you. As you may recall, I didn't hunt turkeys last year due to the arrival of my Lab pup Daffy the day before period one was to start. I didn't think it was fair to leave Jan with all the early morning potty calls etc. Therefore I was really excited about getting out this year. I drew the first period and was in the blind bright and early on Wed. morning. Saw a couple of Toms with hens at a couple hundred yards, but was unable to call them away from the hens. I actually sat in the blind 10 1/2 hours on the first day, but couldn't get a shot. Sat about 4 hours the next morning still without success and called it a day. I also had a tag for the 4th period and went out about 5 hours the 1st morning. Once again no luck. Did call a nice Tom to within about 75 yards but he hung up and wouldn't come any closer. He would answer my yelps but was suspicious of something and just wouldn't come any closer. All I can say is wait til next year. Those gobblers are going to be up against one mighty mean turkey hunter. I bet they are shaking in their boots already.