Original Post Date: 9/20/2010
Views: 4382 as of 09/2023
Well, a new hunting season is upon us. Weasels Gregg, Ryan, and Remy all arrived in camp on Friday for what was to be an excellent weekend of hunting. Opening morning found us in our stands with good deer activity. Weasel Ryan reporting seeing a nice buck and doe, while I had two bucks and a doe come through. They seemed to be feeding pretty heavy on the acorns that were falling. Saturday night found me in a new stand that I hung on Friday, and it seems to bring the deer in on a string. I had 4 does within 10 yards of the stand. Unfortunately 1 was a little fawn, and I had promised Kaitlyn that no does with fawns would be shot. Sunday Morning also turned out to be an eventful hunt as both Ryan and I saw deer activity. I saw the smallest buck ever I believe as he walked down our middle logging road. Top the deer hunting off with a little grouse action, with 1 being shot made it a successful weekend for all. Highlight for me was having a pine marten 10 yards away scratching his belly.
Next trip is set of the weekend of 10/8. We plan on doing a little deer hunting, as well as a little cabin maintenance.