Original Post Date: 9/23/2014
Views: 3319 as of 09/2023
Weasels Larry, Gregg and Remi had a great weekend hunt Sept 19-21 but came up short in the game department. I arrived Fri noon and after unloading the new kitchen stove and hauling the old one outside, Gregg arrived. I think he was sitting at the bottom of the driveway waiting for me to finish before he drove up the hill. We went down and refreshed the bear bait, but I decided to deer hunt Fri night and go to the bear stand in the morning. Gregg saw 1 doe Fri night but I didn't see any. We had to climb out of the stands about 6:00 due to rain. Sat morning I hit the bear stand early and Gregg went to my deer stand. Once again he saw 1 doe. The bear bait had not been hit on Sat. morning and I saw nothing. Sat. night I hit the bear stand again and Gregg went to his stand. It started thundering about 6:00 so I headed back to the cabin figuring Gregg would be in shortly. It wasn't raining yet when I got to the cabin so I decided to pull up a chair on the edge of the clearing in case a bear came looking for apples. I thought about getting my crossbow from the cabin, but didn't do it. Sure enough, about 10 minutes after I sat down, 5 deer came in. I sat and watched them feed about 35 yards away. Gregg arrived shortly chasing the deer away as he entered he clearing. The rain arrived about the same time as Gregg and we decided to head to County Line for supper and an Old Fashioned. Sun. morning it was raining and we couldn't hunt. All in all a great trip. Had nice visits with the Pearsons, Marlin, Danny and Gregg tried a little grouse hunting, but too many leaves to see them yet. No mice this trip and the new compost toilet continues to work well. Next trip for me and Sammy will be the 6th thru the 8th for deer and grouse. Until then, life continues to be very good if you are a weasel.