Original Post Date: 5/7/2023
Views: 113 as of 9/2023
Weasels Larry and Ryan along with Daffy headed to camp on April 29 for a short work and inspection trip. I was able to do the yearly maintenance work on the compost toilet. We got the flat tire fixed on the John Deere tractor and got it started and ready for mowing. Both of our deer stands were in good shape, but we did lose Weasel den 1 to snow damage. We had a great time at the CREEK on Sat afternoon. Most of our Indian Creek friends were there and it was great seeing them again. Ryan and Gregg had been up a couple of weeks ago, but this was my first trip since rifle season. Had a nice visit with neighbor Danny, he kept the driveway in good shape. Next trip hopefully turkey hunting in a couple of weeks. Until then life is good, even better if you're a weasel.