Original Post Date: 9/22/2012
Views: 3959 as of 09/2023
Weasels Larry and Gene, along with faithful Labs Sammy and Harley headed north Tues. afternoon to save Gene from a hoard of wine drinking wild women about to invade his house for the next two days. This has become an annual trip north when the retired teachers group makes their trip to Melrose each fall. Every once in awhile we luck out when they schedule their trip after grouse and bow season begin. We were able to get out for two short hunts for grouse and had pretty good action. I think we jumped 7 in an hour on Wed. and 6 in an hour on Thurs. We both missed a couple, and I did get one Because of my arm, I can't get my gun up quickly, but did make a nice shot from the hip. Don't know who was more supprised me or the bird. We got the new TV antenna up and launched an all out attack on mice in the cabin. I am now running a 15 trap trapline plus circled the cabin in lime and put about 20 peppermint oil soaked cottonballs out. I capped it off by throwing 5 pounds of Tom Cat poison chunks under the cabin. We were able to work three visits to The Creek into our busy schedule. Darned if we didn't get there right around Happy Hour every time.Had some nice visits with our friends at the Creek and had some good food at the Creek and at County Line. Stopped at Rousers Farm to pick up 250lbs. of Sun Flower seed for the birds. The batteries in my trail camera were dead so I replaced them. Only had a few doe pictures but the bucks have to be there somewhere. Looking forward to a trip in a couple of weeks, when the leaves should be down and we can start some serious bow hunting.