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Camp Weasel Cleanup July 19-20

Writer's picture: Weasel RyanWeasel Ryan

Original Post Date: 7/24/2015

Views: 3231 as of 09/2023

Weaselette Jan and I, along with Weasel dogs Sammy and Daffy headed North early Sunday morning for some much needed cleanup. I had planned on going up for the past two weeks but each time had to cancel because of rain. I planned on mowing the lawn and field, putting a new floor in the dog kennel and putting a new deck belt on the Craftsman tractor. As we pulled into camp the first thing we noticed was the large tree next to the steel shed had blown down and had to be removed before I could mow. I immediately put the deck belt job on hold and dug out the chain saw. I had a premonition about the dead tree before leaving home and had gassed up the chain saw and threw it the truck before we left. I divided it into several pieces and dragged it off the yard into the woods with the 4-wheeler. I was then able to begin mowing. I had decided to mow the lawn and the field with the Cub Cadet leaving the Craftsman repair for my next trip. The weather was beautiful and we were surprised to find no mosquitoes, probably due to a nice breeze blowing thru the yard. We had a pizza on the picnic for supper and retired to the cabin at dusk. About 8:30 a dandy buck came out in the field and walked across it from East to West. I think it would have stopped at the apple trees but heard the TV thru the open windows. Should be a nice 8 pointer by fall. Monday morning we headed into Cumberland. I had to pick up the lumber for the kennel floor and Jan wanted a new silverware tray for a project she was working on in the kitchen. For some reason she thought 69 spoons, 56 forks and 49 knives were more than we needed. She reduced the numbers down to 20 of each. Things could get pretty tough around camp this fall with a shortage of clean silverware. Like I always say, don't put a ferret in charge of a weasel project. In the meantime, I tackled the kennel project and the finished project was great if I do say so myself and I just did. I used 5/4 x 6 x 12 ft treated deck lumber with 1/2 inch gaps between the boards. It should last for years and looks real sharp. I put Daffy in it and she loved it. Forgot to mention that as we arrived back at camp with the lumber, there were 2 hen turkeys and about 12 little ones in the driveway. Hope they are around this fall. I was pleasantly surprised to find a pretty good crop of apples on our two trees. This should keep the deer and bear around. We worked so long and hard that we never left camp except to pick up the lumber and silverware tray. Guess I'll have to do a better job of socializing next trip. Have to get over and meet the Roots newest addition Tucker the chocolate lab. Well that's about all for this trip. Jan and I had a great time and really enjoyed the mosquito and tick free outdoor time. Even had hotdogs over a campfire for lunch Monday. Until next time remember life is good, even better if you are a weasel. Forgot to mention, I got 21.7 mpg on the new F-150 weasel truck. Still isn't broken in yet so I'm optimistic that it might improve a little more.

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