Original Post Date: 8/17/2012
Views: 3799 as of 09/2023
In one of her weaker moments, Weasealette Jan agreed to accompany me on an overnight trip to Camp Weasel. Despite an extreme case of mouseaphobia she felt she could handle a one nighter. I had some mowing to do and Jan had her eye on the two apple trees which produced some beautiful fruit this year. We arrived about 2:00 in the afternoon and I made a scouting trip into the cabin to clear the traps of mice. Found two which were quickly disposed of and after opening the windows to air things out, she cautiously entered the cabin. After unloading the truck, I quickly mowed off the area around the apple trees so she could pick while I continued to mow the field. We took a break at 5:00 and went to the Creek for a drink. No one was there, so after a quick beer we headed down the road to County Line for a couple Old Fashions and a great chicken dinner. We returned to camp to finish our chores. When I finished mowing, as an after thought I grabbed the bushel of apples she had picked and put them on the deck. Good thing I did as an hour later we had five deer under the trees eating windfalls. They would have loved her carefully picked ones. She claims she heard a mouse overnite, but the report is unconfirmed. Great trip, apples picked, field mowed, trail camera set out to see whats been coming into the food plot and apple trees. Extra bonus was that she thought the carpet was so dirty that I received permission to tear it out and put new flooring in next spring. Of course if it gets too fancy she'll want to come up again. Wonder if they make flooring in a mouse pattern. Wed. morning we picked a few more apples, headed to Comstock to the cheese factory, then on to Louies for a few Brats, before heading home.