Original Post Date: 10/12/2021 3:40 pm
Views: 851 as of 9/2023
Two Weasels, one Weasel in training and of course Weasel Dog Daffy, headed to Camp last weekend to exterminate the Camp Weasel deer population. Needless to say, the population is alive and strong. After lengthy conversation, Carson was convinced that he should probably only shoot two this trip so there would be a few around for rifle season. I had been seeing a few little bucks on camera, but they were mainly nocturnal, and I was not real optimistic although the weather was a little warmer than we liked, conditions were very good. Gregg took Carson with him to his rifle stand and I headed to my stand a little before 7 Sat morning. Deer did not cooperate as we had hoped, and Carson did not get a shot. I saw only one deer and that appeared about 3 minutes before I was planning on giving up for the morning. IT was a nice fat little spike buck which came in and gave me a broadside shot at about 20 yards. I hit it right behind the front shoulders and it ran about 30 yards before dropping. Gregg and Carson were on the way back to the cabin when I texted them. They came over and Gregg started gutting while I went after the 4 wheeler. I was able to time it so that he was done gutting before I got back. I was able to drive the 4 wheeler to within two feet of the carcass so loading was easy. We butchered that afternoon as the temperature was pushing 80 degrees. .Gregg and Carson returned to his stand Sat afternoon. They jumped a buck on the way in, and saw a couple of does but didn't get a shot. Sun morning they tried my stand. Once again, a couple of does sighted but no shots. They did have a nice sized black bear come by them, so the morning wasn't without some excitement. Ashlyn was of course disappointed, as were Gregg and I, that he didn't get a shot. Going into the trip both Gregg and I were pretty confidant that he would at least shoot a doe, but that's deer hunting, nothings for certain. He will get another crack at one during rifle season and hopefully connects. All in all a great trip. Oscar and Harlan came over for visit Sat afternoon while we were butchering and we had a nice visit with them. I went down to Danny Becrofts to register my buck on line and had a good visit with Danny, his wife and his son Shane. Always fun to talk with them. Until rut hunt the first week in Nov that's about all she wrote. Might just try for a turkey with my crossbow during rut. Keep hunting and remember life is good, even better if you are a weasel.