Original Post Date: 6/4/2016
Views: 2893 as of 09/2023
After the 4th Turkey Season, I had to return the 4-wheeler to camp and do a little mowing. Weasel dog Daffy and I headed up on Wed. morning to check the cabin out , mow the lawn and talk to my neighbor Danny about selling a 12 gauge O/U I had won at the Quad County Turkey Banquet. Was happy to find only 1 mouse in the traps. I threw Daffy in the kennel, unloaded the 4-wheeler and started mowing. As luck would have it I finished just in time to make Happy Hour at the Creek. Funny how that always seems to work out. Saw a lot of my friends at the Creek. Sharon and her friend Cathy, Marlin, Dan Johnson and his wife, and Walt and Elaine Hibbs. Always great to touch base with my Northwoods friends, just don't get up to see them often enough. I returned to the cabin, threw in a pizza and went to visit Danny. He offered to buy my shotgun and sell it in his gun shop. I was tickled to get rid of it and he should be able to turn a nice profit on it. It was a beautiful O/U in a hard case with 5 chokes, but I simply had no use for it and wanted the money toward a new crossbow I planned to purchase. Danny had done some work on the driveway for me and it looked great. Pretty hard to find a better neighbor and friend than Danny. Daffy and I headed back in the morning having accomplished everything we set out to do. Until next time just remember life is good and even better if you are a weasel.