Original Post Date: 10/29/2013
Views: 3689 as of 09/2023
Weasels Gregg and Larry arrived in Camp about 1:30 Friday afternoon. I had received a phone call earlier in the week from Sharon Pearson informing me that our good friend and neighbor Jim Nelson had passed away. The South side of Jim's farm borders the North side of Camp Weasel and we have been friends and neighbors since 1968. I called Gregg and we decided to go up to the funeral at Shell Lake, scheduled for 1:00 on Saturday. We did a little bow hunting Friday night, then headed to County Line for supper. As always, the food and drinks were excellent. We hunted a bit Saturday morning, then cleaned up and headed to Shell Lake. The funeral was very nice and well attended. Gregg and I were both glad we had attended and had a chance to visit with Jim's sons Oscar and Buster and the rest of the Nelson family. Couldn't help but notice how pleased Roxy was as little Harlan pranced around in his Packer jacket. A quick stop at the Creek gave us a chance to visit with Marlin and several other regulars. Then it was off to hunt a couple more hours til dark. We decided to run up to Gullys and discovered Terry and Troy were there. They invited us to stay for a fish fry and it didn't take much arm twisting. Great meal of Lake Mendota perch and bluegills. Sunday morning found Gregg back in the woods hunting while I cleaned up a bit around the cabin and loaded the wood box for next trip. Hunting was unimpressive. Gregg saw a few does, but not much movement yet, and very few scrapes. Hopefully things will be better when we go up the 7-10th for thr rut hunt.