Original Post Date: 6/8/2021 4:36 pm
Views: 1011 as of 09/2023
The fact that I haven't already posted a report on this years hunt, sends a pretty good clue as to how things went. I always say that hunts are like Brandy Old Fashioneds, they are all good, but some are better than others. This wasn't the best tasting hunt. I started with season 4 down here in Dane county. I did have a nice Tom come in the second day. I rolled him, but he got up and ran into a woods I was not allowed to enter, so that ended that. On the 4th day I passed on a Jake, I just don't want one that bad. I had the 5th season up in Polk County and as luck would have it, I hit a rainey period when I went up, and only got out about 4 hours. I was able to get weasel in training Carson out and introduce him to turkey hunting. We had a good time, but didn't call any birds in. I sent him home with a mouth call so he could drive his parents nuts. Unfortunately his plan to bring it to school the following Monday was thwarted. All in all, it was a good season, I feel so fortunate to still be able to get out and hunt. God willing, I still have a few years left to live the life of a weasel. Looking forward to a few pheasants this Fall, Weasel Dog Daffy tore an ACL so we had to miss last season. Now that turkey season is over, I have had two nice Toms show up on the trail camera, so maybe I will get a crack at one of them. Gregg, Carson, and I had a great trip despite the rain. We got over to County Line for steak, and got up to Indian Creek to visit friends and enjoy a cold one. This was our first trip to the Creek in 14 months, because of Covid. Thats all for now, we will be in touch. Rember life is good, even better if you're a weasel.