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Trip to Camp 6/2-6/4

Writer's picture: Weasel RyanWeasel Ryan

Original Post Date: 6/20/2023 11:53 am

Views: 64 as of 9/2023

As mentioned in some of our earlier reports, the roof to our storage shed was collapsed by heavy snow this winter. Weasels Larry, Gregg, Ryan, Joel W, and Brennan headed to camp with a trailer full of material and tools to replace the damaged shed and once again put a roof over the 4 wheeler, lawn tractors, decoys and other misc. items stored in the shed. Weasel Joel being the building expert, took charge and with the help of the rest of the eager but not too handy weasels, we now have everything safe and dry under a extra strong roof. As usual our trip to camp was not all work and no play. We had some good food and drinks at the Creek, and many a good laugh. We didn't get a chance to visit with too many of our friends at the Creek. Not many people were around at the time we made our visits. We'll have to work on that next trip. There seem to be plenty of deer and grouse around and we're looking toward our Fall trips with optimism. That's about all for now, Once again a big thank you to Weasel Joel for his leadership and patience with the rest of us . Until next time, remember life is good, even better if you're a weasel.

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