Original Post Date: 7/15/2021 11:17 am
Views: 1012 as of 09/2023
Weasels Larry, Gregg, Carson along with Weasel Dog Daffy, took a short trip to camp to do a little maintenance and relax a bit after the 4th. I mowed the lawn and scrubbed the main room floor. Every floor should be scrubbed every 5 years whether it needs it or not. Gregg had a couple of trail cameras to tend to and planned on cutting a little firewood. Carson split a nice pile of campfire wood, which can be used once the fire ban is lifted. We had to cancel the firewood cutting due to a flat tire on the 4-wheeler trailer. I brought the tire back with me and have it ready for next trip. We went into the meat raffle at Indian Creek and Carson won a nice roast. We also had an excellent breakfast Sunday morning at the Creek before heading home. Our good neighbor to the north, Oscar Nelson joined us for an excellent venison supper and hung around for a few beers afterwards. Neighbor Danny was gone for the weekend. We'll catch him next trip. The weather was great and the ticks and skeeters were almost non-existant, so we had a great trip. Next trip North will be the weekend of July 23. Until then, life is good, even better if you are a weasel.